Privacy Policy

This information notice explains what personal data we collect and process from you when using the website and for what purpose we use that data.

The Data Controller is:

Electrabel NV/SA
Simon Bolivarlaan 36, 1000 Brussels
BE 0403.170.701

What information do we collect?

When browsing the website, the following types of personal data are collected:

  • HTTP requests: loading a new webpage on the website or clicking on a link that goes to another website
  • Browser / system information
  • First party or necessary cookies.
  • Tracking or statistical cookies via Google Analytics.

How do we use personal information?

Necessary cookies ensure the proper functioning of the website. These are needed, for example, to remember your choice and cannot be refused. Statistical cookies are used to analyse the behaviour of our website visitors, in order to improve the user-friendliness of our website. This data will only be used for statistical analyses and will not be connected to an individual user profile.

On which basis do we process your personal data?

Necessary cookies are used on the basis of legitimate interest. Statistical cookies are used on the basis of your consent.

How long do we keep your personal data?

User data that has been tracked using Google Analytics will be deleted after 14 months. The Google service “Anonymisation” of IP-addresses is active, which means that the last numbers of the IP address will not be stored by Google.

When do we share personal data?

No data collected through our website will be shared with other parties. Processed data will only be used for the internal purposes as described above.

Your rights in relation to personal data

As a Data Subject, you can exercise several rights regarding your processed personal information:

  • The right of access to your personal data;
  • The right to rectification of your personal data;
  • The right to erasure of your personal data (‘right to be forgotten’);
  • The right to restriction of processing;
  • The right to information;
  • The right to data portability;
  • The right to object;
  • The right not to be subject to automated decision-making producing legal effects.

You can submit your request through our Data Protection Portal at

You also have to right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (GBA – APD): (NL) or (FR).

Where do we store and process personal data?

User data that has been tracked using Google Analytics is hosted on Google Data centers.

How do we secure personal data?

Only certain members of staff have access to the to Google Analytics reportings.

Privacy related questions

If you want to exercise one of the rights mentioned in this notice or in case you have a privacy related question, you may contact the data protection team: